
love vs money

Some may say that life is about love and some may say it’s about money. There are two different and opposite conceptions that may rule one’s life. They can’t be understood by a simple definition, because there are many other ideas that each and every person attributes to them.
Those who think of life as being about love are dreamers searching for a proof that the intangible and the hopes they have can become reality. Some may find and believe that love really exists and some may not. Therefore they start to believe in the power of the money.
Those who think of life as being about money are scared inside. They try to lie themselves that there can be only reality and things that can be bought. Those fragile souls feed their hopes with tangible ‘products’ and ignore the power of feelings. Some of them may never realise that the soul has as a purpose feeling something more powerful that anything that exists. Some of them may realise and believe more in the power of the love.
In the end, is just a matter of choice: you can see the world as you like, when you like, how you like or you can just see it as it is. Both, love and money, can make you suffer a lot (in different ways), but what counts is your choice of being or not peaceful, powerful, beautiful, fulfilled inside. This is also the battle between dreamers and realists because love is intangible, while money is tangible. It’s all up to you.

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